
Beyond Moore’s Law: Innovating in the Age of Network Bottlenecks

In 1965 Gordon Moore, a co-founder of Intel, observed that the number of transistors on a semiconductor chip doubles approximately every 2 years. This ever-increasing number of transistors, known as Moore’s Law, had been the driving force for the miniaturization of electronic devices, increased computing power, and the development of various digital technologies.

The Evolution of Digital Communications

Over the ensuing 50 years, the pace and scale of improvements in digital communications have paralleled the semiconductor technologies and been nothing short of revolutionary, driving the rapid advancement of the digital age. We have witnessed the transition from early analog communication systems to digital ones. The development of protocols like TCP/IP in the 1970s laid the foundation for the Internet, facilitating global data exchange and information sharing. The introduction of broadband technologies including fiber optics in the late 1990s enabled unprecedented data rates and long-distance connectivity making multimedia content and real-time communication feasible.

The Mobile Revolution and Beyond

The advent of cellular networks in the 1980s kickstarted the mobile revolution, enabling wireless voice and data transmission. Advancements in wireless technologies, such as 3G, 4G/LTE, and ultimately 5G, exponentially increased data speeds and improved connectivity for mobile devices. These bandwidth improvements brought mobile connectivity to near parity with the last mile wired connections and allowed the developing world to connect their citizens without the great cost and effort of laying the ubiquitous physical cable, thus connecting the ever greater part of humanity. The development of satellite communication systems expanded global connectivity even further, bridging communication gaps in remote and underserved areas.

Challenges of Moore’s Law and Bandwidth Limitations

These improvements ushered the new era of constant, on-the-go connectivity that not only changed the way we live but created whole new industries and sub-cultures. But this incredible run might be over. As transistors have continued to shrink, the physical and economic challenges associated with further scaling have become more pronounced. As we reach smaller process nodes (sub-10 nanometers), several physical limitations of quantum effects and lithography constraints make the continuation of Moore’s law very difficult and expensive, if not impossible. We cannot rely on the doubling of the computing power by the brute force of increasing the number of transistors. The industry must start focusing on the fine-tuning and optimization of the number of transistors we can print instead of just adding more. Similar limits apply to the increase in the transmission bandwidth. The physical limitations of the underlying materials and protocols make further increases in the bandwidth ever more difficult and expensive. As the number of connected people and their demand for flawless video calls, uninterrupted streaming content, and large data sets increases the current networks will struggle to keep up and will develop bottlenecks. As networks become more complex, the time required for data packets to traverse them will increase creating additional network latency.

Challenges for 5G and Global Connectivity

Wireless 5G technologies operate in higher frequency bands, such as millimeter waves, which offer increased bandwidth. However, these frequencies have a shorter range and struggle to penetrate obstacles like buildings, trees, and even some atmospheric conditions, leading to significant coverage limitations. 5G frequency also has a shorter range thus requiring a dense network of small cells and base stations, necessitating significant infrastructure investments. This can be challenging, especially in rural or remote regions.

The Need for Decentralized Sophisticated Monitoring and Testing

All these challenges are caused by fundamental limitations in materials, frequencies, and protocols that require scientific breakthroughs that have not been discovered yet or are still in the early research phases. In the meantime, communications providers must meet the ever-increasing demand for bandwidth while maintaining high quality of service (QoS) and keeping costs down. A great challenge indeed. It requires new and sophisticated ways to monitor existing traffic across many networks, proactively recognize bottlenecks and problematic patterns that can occur over a long period of time, and fix these issues before they cause a degradation in customers’ Quality of Experience (QoE).

Qualoo Network: A Comprehensive Solution

As the saying goes: ‘‘ Half of a solution is acknowledging that there’s a problem”. And in order to see the problem one must be able to measure it. Currently, the most often-used measurements of a customer’s internet experience come from online speed tests like Ookla. These tests have many limitations, which cause the results to describe performance only for a short period of time, over artificially short network routes, with uncharacteristically optimized methods, to specially selected servers. This data is far from descriptive or reflective of the actual user experience and cannot possibly identify many types of network problems that affect all internet users on a daily basis. Internet providers must be able to identify and measure all kinds of problems not only on their own networks but through the entire end-to-end routing that terminates on their customers’ devices. There must be a better way.

Fortunately, there is. Qualoo, is a decentralized test network, powered by end users designed to test internet performance in the same way an end user would experience it, while also ensuring data is collected to support new global digitization initiatives that call for truly global connectivity, and an inter-connected population where no individual is left behind. This changes the focus from a very narrow view on last-mile service speeds to a globally connected network where each stakeholder can not only improve their own network but also optimize their decision-making of which 3rd party networks to partner and share traffic with. Only such a comprehensive and global approach to QoE/QoS monitoring and testing will provide network data and optimization tools that will enable vendors, government agencies, and other organizations to optimize and fine-tune the existing infrastructure to meet the exploding demand for connectivity.


The evolution of digital communications has been nothing short of revolutionary, driven by Moore’s Law and continuous technological advancements. However, the end of Moore’s Law poses significant challenges to further scaling of transistors and increasing bandwidth. To meet the demands of the digital age, communication providers must adopt decentralized QoE /QoS monitoring and testing solutions like Qualoo Network. Only through a comprehensive and global approach can we ensure that all individuals enjoy seamless connectivity and optimize the existing infrastructure for the future. The journey towards a fully connected world requires collaboration, innovation, and a commitment to overcoming challenges on both technical and strategic levels

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